Currently Reading....

Currently Reading.....Mockingjay by S. Collins

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mercy - Jodi Picoult

This book was definitely different. There were times when I really enjoyed it and times when I was yelling at the characters on the page, ("don't do that you idiot!") but I guess I enjoyed doing that also. The tag line on the cover of the book reads, "What would you do for someone you love? Would you lie? Would you kill?" After reading this book, no. I still wouldn't lie and I still wouldn't kill. The characters do both of those things in this book and we are suppose to understand and show mercy because they do these things out of love. I'm still not convinced and probably never will be, but it was a very interesting story to read especially from a psychological standpoint. I got into the minds of the characters and really understood the motives behind their actions. Jodi Picoult is an amazing author and I would definitely read more books by her.

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