Currently Reading....

Currently Reading.....Mockingjay by S. Collins

Monday, June 7, 2010

Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire is the 2nd book of the Hunger Games Series. I read the Hunger Games (1st book) a while ago and forgot about the sequel. They are youth books and I would call them science fiction. The books kind of remind me of the movie Waterworld only because it is set in the future but it seems like things have become more primitive. In the Hunger Games series children compete in the Hunger Games which happen once a year. There are 12 poverty stricken districts (some more than others) who each send two children to fight to the death for the amusement of the "Capitol". A young girl named Prim is selected from district 12. In the 1st book she wins, with a twist! In Catching Fire, she is sent back into the arena again along with 23 other past winners for the 75th anniversary of the games. Her and the other contestants fight to stay alive and form alliances with each other while causing rebellions to break out in the districts. It is a crazy book and I was thinking why is this so entertaining, but it is! I can't wait until the 3rd book, MockingJay comes out in August.

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