Currently Reading....

Currently Reading.....Mockingjay by S. Collins

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

While My Sister Sleeps - Barbara Delinsky

I have decided that, since I read all these books, I should write down what I think of them. My first book is called While My Sister Sleeps by Barbara Delinsky. I thought it was a great example of how a family can grow together through tragedy. Hard times are when you realize who will stand by your side and who is just using you to get there way. This book is about two sisters, one who has a hidden heart condition. Her name is Robin. She collapses while running and ends up in the hospital on life support. Her family struggles to make difficult decisions while learning things about their family they never could have imagined.

It was interesting to see how different people react during stressful times. Some just freeze up, others go balistic. I feel I've had a pretty easy life without much trauma. I wonder what I would do in this situation. I have had to deal with death in the family, two grandparents within a couple of months. I think my understanding of what happens to us after we die has always made it easier for me to handle death. Things are less scary. I am a true believer in heaven and faith and I think that helps me through difficult times in life. The father in this book, Charlie, is the family's religious rock. He is the one that believes in faith and miracles.

In While My Sister Sleeps we also read past journal entries from Robin. These journals reveal a person somewhat different from who her family thought she was. I suppose everyone's journal would reveal something at least a little different about them. I write things in my journal I don't plan on sharing with the world. I think most people don't plan on anyone reading their journal; at least, not in their lifetime.
On last item mentioned in the book are "sprites". These are described as things that happen and we don't know why at the moment, but eventually we see there importance. I've had many "sprites" in my life. These "sprites" are constantly leading the family to new discoveries about each other.

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